HMS Implacable Plymouth Sunday March 24th 1839 (moored in the Sound)
Turned out at one bell with a firm conviction that a mess dinner over night does not render the head a bit more comfortable next morning so found myself late for breakfast & everything cold; cursed the servants & went on deck to cool my temper where I found the weather as ruffled and miserable as myself.
1.30pm Started for a cruise in a Cawsand boat hired for the purpose and got tolerably wet thru; her lee gunwale being entirely under water during the squalls for which we were obliged occasionally to lower the big sail & ease off the jib sheet; contrived to get on board in time for dinner (breakfast being fresh in my memory) when I stowed away a most inordinate quantum of the good things of this world (headache worse); felt exceedingly disgusted with everything and everybody but my most inestimable self and lastly went to bed with the blue devils.

Monday March 25th
Rose at the usual time, enjoyed a comfortable breakfast and as it was a delightful morning took a walk on deck and otherwise employed myself until lunch; commenced calculations of...