...the prima donna Sig'a Santina Perlotti who played Sancia I never heard in better voice, altho' just risen from a sick bed; that part of the third scene in the first act beginning
     Ah Taci -----  Vero
lo talor piu nol rammento
Perche vence la mia pena
Ma regnur piu in me lo sento
Se il suo nome ascolto appena
was worthy of Guise herself; the closing scenes of the same act was also particularly good. Lastly I would observe that Perlotti could scarcely have better conceived and executed that touching part of the second act commencing
Se per te la tazza impure
Renderò, che il figlio uccida,
il tacer della natura
non godrà la matricida ; -
The person (Sig'a Angelica Adock) whose benefit it was danced excessively well and as she sent off notes to the different ships of squadron informing the officers that she intended taking this benefit & appreciated the generosity of her...