...countrymen for support on the occasion we gave her several hearty rounds of applause & twice called for her before the curtain ; - Lady Sheffield, Miss Hudson & some others of the Queen Dowagers suite were here to night.
  As we were leaving the Opera an officer of the Hastings came up to us & told us that as he was passing up a street close by three men rushed out of a house of bad reputation & one of them stabbed him in the breast with a stiletto, having enquired of him where it was, we started off en masse for revenge, on arriving at the house we found everything quiet but could get no answer to our repeated knock at the door, we therefore attempted to batter it open with stones but this proving unsuccessful, two of us climbed by the lamp post into a balcony in front of the house & forced the windows, & then opened the door to the remainder, every nook & corner was scoured immediately but nothing like a man was to be found in the house, altho' there...