1839 August Saturday 10 |
Invalided poor old Thomas our Martin; PM arrived a French line of battle ships an Austrian brig. Of war. |
Sunday 11 |
About 5pm the Austrian brig of war sailed. |
Monday 12 | AM arrived HMS Dido & Hazzard; engaged nearly all day writing an immensely long letter to Sarah Willes,foolscap paper, every particle of it crossed. |
Tuesday 13 |
Writing various letters to by the Hazzard. |
Wednesday 14 Thursday 15 |
Nothing going on in this superlatively dull place, not a soul to speak to but ones own messmates & perhaps a stray friend or acquaintance from one of the other ships; and however extraordinary it may appear I have not seen a single petticoat since I left Malta but such as were worn by the male part of the community |