...having half an hour chat took our departure,
when going over the side (there being no ladder & no ropes to be
found the clerk in charge of her politely sent a ropes end & after
weaving it thro' the eye handing it to me as a side rope, which of
course I took, but unfortunately, he had only taken a half hitch in the
rope & the consequence was I came down by me drawing his fingers in
the hitch he shouted most lustily "let go my fingers - cast off the
rope"� but as I was suspended between & water by it I preferred of
course ripping his fingers to getting a ducking myself & therefore
quietly let them remain jammed until I was safely down in the boat. -
Having put Le Mesurier on board the Daphne we returned on board our own
ship having altho' tired spent a very pleasant evening. Received an invitation from Garrison officers to dine with... |